About BOB

Here is a little bit about myself.

Nsumba Hillary Roberts

Nsumba Hilary Roberts (Bob) is a Ugandan community pastor and a trained counselor. He joined full-time ministry in 2001 and was ordained in 2007 as a Pentecostal Assemblies Of God minister. He has served with KPC, now Watoto Church, ever since. Bob ’s passion is caring for people and serving community.

Before joining ministry, he worked for Abojax International, a business firm based in Kampala, for seven years. He then attempted self-employment for five years and also had a brief stint at Celtel, now Airtel, as a freelance salesman.

Born in Najjanakumbi, Kampala Uganda EA, he attended the School of Community Leadership, Glad Tidings Bible College, and Waverly, CWR. He and his wife, Nsumba Justine Nakato, have three children: Blessing Jay Nsumba, Benitah Jaymima Nansumba, and Berenice Jael Ujja. Their permanent address is Najjera Kira Municipality.

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What Ps. Gary Skinner had to say:

What a great little book! And so practical too! The principals, simply and yet profoundly laid out in it, have the power to reach people and transform community!

I love the real life stories Pastor Bob tells. They come from first hand experience of working in the community every day. What you will find in this book is not theory but effective practice.

Pick up this book, read it, digest it and expect to become part of bringing healing to community.

Founder: Watoto Ministries

What other readers think of the book:

Pastor Bob has brought together essential challenges to the way we live our lives in the community and how as Christians we have a personal responsibility to "Be Responsible" in our community for our friends and neighbors for the benefit of all, not just the few, no matter who we are. The principles of being responsible are relative to the whole of God's world not just Kampala and Uganda.
"Pastor Bob shows that he has his fingers directly right on the pulse of our most significant issues of today. Without understanding what these root issues are, we will lose our most precious asset, that of community. Christians of all people should be the experts at creating the loving, caring, environment that every neighborhood would want to have. This book is contagious, and when you read it, you will be sharing this critical ideas....with of course, your neighbors!! This book comes to us at a most desperate hour. READ IT!!!"

Lecturer: African Bible University in Lubowa

Director: Community at Heart Ministries in Mengo

It is with such joy and humility that I write this endorsement for “Community: Whose Responsibility” by Roberts Hilary Nsumba, a.k.a Pastor Bob. I have had the honor and privilege of knowing Pastor Bob for close to 20 years now. We served together at Watoto Church, then Kampala Pentecostal Church. He was my leader in the Drama Team Ministry, and I don’t think I have ever met someone who serves and gives unreservedly like Pastor Bob! His servant-leader attitude touched all of us who ministered alongside him. It is therefore no wonder that he would write such a book, urging all of us to take a closer look at our communities and ask ourselves what our responsibility is wherever we live. The anecdotes that Pastor Bob shares in this book are so deep that they will leave you challenged, deeply moved and ready to take action. Pastor Bob asks very deep challenging questions of all of us. Some of the stories he shares might bring tears to your eyes. He truly is someone being used by God in the most profound ways. The work that Pastor Bob has done for individuals and the projects he has spearheaded in communities are very inspirational, they will not leave you the same. This book is very relevant to anyone anywhere regardless of their religious beliefs, faith, age and political affiliation. It is a book that should also be studied by those who work in and with communities. More than anything, Pastor Bob brings to light the most important aspect of how communities can be transformed – love and acceptance for those who feel unloved, and doing our social responsibility for our communities. It is therefore an honor for me to endorse “Community: Whose Responsibility”. It is a book every Ugandan needs to have in their book collection! I hope to see it translated in different languages spoken in Uganda and elsewhere. God bless you as you read it.
Producer & Co-curator: Kampala International Theatre Festival
Proof reading any work, however interesting and exciting it is, can be a gruelling task. It requires a high degree of concentration, language knowledge, time and trying to understand what the author wants to mean. When Nsumba Hilary Roberts, fondly known as Pastor Bob told me to proof read his book, I felt honored, excited and scared. Honored because ever since I got to know him, the one thing that has struck me most about him is his servant heart. In fact, I felt that though I love to serve, I can never compete with him. I felt excited as I knew that reading his book would help me get to know who he really is and what keeps on driving him to serve. I was not disappointed. I felt scared because the task seemed way beyond my abilities. As I read Community: Whose Responsibility, I was touched by the many stories of the people he has helped and is still helping. I know that these are just examples. Believe me; Pastor Bob has done more than he has put in this book. What is more, I believe that many times, we influence more people than we know. I know that everyone reading this book will be touched by it. It has touched me.
Assistant Lecturer: Makerere University, Language Education
There are opportunities everywhere around us but many of these unfortunately always go unexploited. This is either due to our attitude, lack of knowledge, pride, selfishness, laziness, etc, or because we do not take that important step to exploit them. Pastor Bob Nsumba unveils true life issues with typical examples within our community in a very ordinary way. As a Police officer, I get particularly enthralled by chapter two of this book where he highlights the aspects of policing communities a responsibility of all. He entirely agrees with Sir Robert Peel, a two time British Prime Minister (1834-1836, and 1842 – 1846) who once said that; “The Police are the Public and the Public are the Police; the Police being only members of the public who are paid to give fulltime attention to duties which are incumbently on every citizen in the interest of community welfare and existence”. It is true that many people tend to think that Police is meant to “inconvenience” others for specific interests of a given entity (or government). Because of this mind-set, I have had colleagues, mostly Christians, asking me questions like; 1. How do you be a Christian and at the same time a Policeman, how do you manage? 2. How do you live a life like that? 3. Don’t you fear for your life?, etc In fact, to many I appear a “sheep in a wolf’s clothing” and this I clearly read from their faces as we talk. It has not always been so easy to bring them to terms with my explanation and assuring them that this is a calling. I mean; “a calling to be a Policeman…in Uganda?”........ a big question lingers in their mind vividly shown by how they move their eyes round as I labour to answer. There are obviously many challenges, several being mentioned by the author in this book and many others. Policing is a duty chosen by those who serve, with a lot of sacrifice. The author mentions here that; it requires patience and humility to serve the community. Until one like Pastor Bob and the Church where he serves come out to openly appreciate Policemen, many have always felt unmerited. I must mention though that I am proud to be a Police Officer and blessed to be a member of watoto where I have interacted with Bob as my Pastor. I thank Pastor Bob Nsumba for writing this book which touches the actual aspects of our community in a very realistic and simplified approach. It is very true that a lot is accomplished when we bless others. Blessing the Police particularly takes policing to another level and a multiplicity of that is reciprocated into the community and the public in a way that is beyond measure, as the blessed policemen go out to serve the nation. The returns are enormous. I learn further from this book that it is an opportunity and our responsibility to care for those around us and as we do so, we are increasingly blessed.

AG Commissioner: Uganda Police Force


Community: Whose Responsibility?

Community: Whose Responsibility?

Filled with practical real life true stories and experiences Community; whose responsibility will inspire you to improve on your game and encourage you to be more responsible whether it is in the community where you live or caring for the people you share social values and responsibilities with in the market place or home its clear goal is to help you recognize it is possible.

Buy the book from:

Seasons: This too shall pass | Kijja Kuggwa

Seasons: This too shall pass | Kijja Kuggwa

Throughout the years, author Pastor Nsumba Hilary Roberts has learned that Christians experience struggles not to fix them, but rather, God allows us to go through some struggles so they fix us. This realization helped him wrestle with hope and seek to glean some lessons from the mess when faced with a difficult situation. In Seasons: This Too Shall Pass, Roberts offers a look at real-life experiences, creating a realistic check for us to realize that every situation life throws at us isn't permanent; it will pass, good or bad. It comes to an end.

Buy the book here:

Readers of Seasons: This too shall pass | Kijja Kuggwa

Arora Majugo

Arora Majugo

I love "challenges don't always come that we fix them, but rather they come to fix us." A very profound truth. I have finished reading the book. It was hard to put it down. The real life stories and Biblical wisdom is amazing.

Fred Wandera

Fred Wandera



This book came to me at the right time. I was at a place in my life where I was trying to make sense of my life. I was feeling stuck honestly: in my marriage, my career and I had been asking God those hard questions of “when” and “why”, trying ...


The Omoyas

#Chapter 2# Faith not foolishness "Whatever you are going through, choose wisdom, not foolishness.Take your eyes off the crowds." Bob Nsumba.

Here is what we have been up to!

Transformation stories


On behalf of the family of Margret and on my own campaign to a closure with a big thank you to all of you who came alongside me to help...


SULA & NOELINA House Face-Lift Project

I would like to thank every one of the kindhearted friends who heeded to my call and came alongside me to make a difference ...


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5000+ Happy People in various communities!